Monday, September 21, 2015

Perseverance is staying on task and not giving up. Perseverance is when you show commitment, pride, and a positive attitude when completing tasks. Perseverance is the ability to stick to something and complete a task even though difficult circumstances may try to prohibit you from finishing.
You show perseverance whenever you keep trying in spite of obstacles or discouragement. Perseverance is a day-to-day decision not to give up.

Ways Educators Can Encourage Perseverance in Students
1.     Believe in each child’s ability to achieve.
2.     Expect them to finish what they start.
3.     Avoid accepting excuses for unfinished work.
4.     Give positive feedback when a child puts forth extra effort.
5.     Help students realize that everyone makes mistakes, but what is important is to keep trying.
6.     Teach children how to regroup and start over.
7.     Motivate them to try new things.
8.     Encourage children to take responsibility for themselves and make constructive choices.
Since perseverance is a necessary ingredient for student achievement, it needs to be encouraged. Helping children learn to be patient and persist in spite of failure are attributes that will contribute to their future success.

Below are some websites that I have come across while researching perseverance that could be helpful in the classroom. Leave me a comment on what you think! :o) (Classroom activities to promote perseverance)  (Perseverance Lesson for grades K-5)  (Character Education - Perseverance Grades K-4)  (Perseverance Book List Grades K-12)


  1. I used the first website kellybear, and initiated a discussion on perseverance with my 2nd graders. We discussed how perseverance is critical in school in order to succeed.
    I think it's a great idea to revisit it often.
    Thanks Kim!
